A detailed bike fit is essential for injury prevention, comfort and maximised efficiency on the bike. All bodies are different and your position on the bike should reflect your individual biomechanical variances.

Tim Pigott and Will Beauchamp are both qualified Retül bike fitters running the service at Worsley Physio Clinic in Manchester.
Tim is a highly experienced sports physiotherapist having worked with elite athletes for over 10 years, he runs the Clinical Biomechanics module at Salford University, is a British Triathlon coach, and uses the Retül 3D motion capture system to guide the bike fitting process.
Will now also has an active role in providing the bike fitting and 3D motion capture analysis service; his strong background in sports injury management has helped Will shape this service towards both the performance-orientated cyclist, and the cyclist who is returning from or managing an injury.
The combination of the clinical and coaching skill sets results in a fitting process which addresses the physical ‘off the bike’ components as well as the bike adjustments needed to find the optimal set up for you.
What does a Bike Fit consist of?

Pre-fit physiotherapy assessment
Before you are analyzed on the bike, a physiotherapy screen takes place that looks at the relative range of movement, flexibility and biomechanics and structure of the body. The findings are taken into consideration along with the dynamic fit data when individualizing your position.
3D measurements with Retül
You are then analyzed on the bike to obtain data on the position you are currently riding. Measurements are taken from both sides to look for any side-to-side differences not something that is possible through a static or 2-D assessment. The results are then used to make any necessary adjustments. Data is taken again to view the effect of the positional changes. The aim of any fit is to obtain the most comfortable and efficient position and consequently the most powerful.

Adjustments to the bike and exercises
Any necessary adjustments are made to your bike and set up, with follow on physiotherapy or strength and conditioning exercises to optimise your position. A bike fit is an ongoing process and your position will evolve over time, we will advise you on further adjustments or follow up as required.
How long does an appointment last?
A standard single bike fit lasts around 2hours. If fitting to 2 different bikes (eg. road and TT) then an extra hour is required.
How much is an appointment?
A standard fit costs £200
What should I bring?
You will need your bike, cycling shoes and cycling clothes. If you have multiple pairs of shoes then bring these and we can check the cleat alignment on all the shoes. If you use custom insoles or orthotics then ensure you bring these with you. Your bike will be mounted on a Wahoo Kickr turbo trainer (direct drive), therefore you don’t need to bring a specific turbo rear wheel.
What should I wear?
Tight fitting lycra cycling or triathlon kit. For the Retül measurements we need the markers on your body to stay in a constant position, any baggy clothing will result in inaccurate data. If you have a sleeveless top (triathlon style) then this is preferable. Please refrain from moisturising on the day as this affects the ability of the markers to stick to your skin.
What if any components need changing?
We have a wide range of test saddles to try, from Fizik, SMP and ISM. An adjustable stem can identify the correct size you need. Cleat and shoe wedges can be used where required to set your foot-pedal interface correctly. We also have a range of Sidas insoles. Please ensure your bike is in good working order and that nothing has seized, there is nothing worse than finding you need to change the saddle height but the seat post is stuck in the frame. If necessary take it to a bike shop for a service prior to your appointment. That way once you’ve had the fit you know the bike is good to go.
How hard will I be exercising?
During the fit process we do not want you to work up a sweat as the LED markers will lose adhesion. However we will expect you to cycle for short periods at your race pace intensity, we therefore have various fans to keep you cool.
Are there showers?
Yes, we have a shower, changing room and toilets. Although a shower is not usually necessary after your fit.
Where will the Bike Fit take place?
Bike Fit assessments take place at Worsley Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in Worsley, Greater Manchester